Users (who is belonging groups  as suffix below) cannot send emails after update. "Send As" / besadmin is removed.

Besadmin account keeps being removed from objects security settings.
Even you add besadmin to a users security in AD, it won't be there after an hour. Adminsdholder account causes this.
If you have any protected accounts such as domain admins in you AD, adminsdholder account will remove besadmin from those users security.
Just do this;
- Make sure you have Windows Support Tools installed.
- Run Command Prompt
- Type adsiedit.msc
- You see three categories;
- - Go to Domain/CN=domain,DC=domain/CN=System/CN=AdminSDHolder
- Right click onAdminSDHolder and properties.
- Click Security Tab.
- Add besadmin account.
- Click advanced (this takes you to Advanced Security Settings for AdminSDHolder)
- Click Add and add besadmin
- Apply on to: "User Objects"
- Select "Receive As" and "Send As"
- Click OK/OK/OK
- You can for the AD replication or you can restart Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service to make it faster.
Account Operators 
Server Operators 
Print Operators 
Backup Operators 
Domain Admins 
Schema Admins 
Enterprise Admins 
Cert Publishers